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Saturday, April 30, 2016

5X7 Boat Study

Here is a quick boat study that I loved.  I was happy how it worked out.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Landscape Study #5 - Green Couds

I tried copying a landscape painting and I really struggled with this at first.  I debated if I should even finish it.  I decided to go for it and put some time.  Anything you do is great practice.  I was listening to an interview with artist Jane Hunt and she said that everyone has 200 bad paintings in them, and the sooner you get them out the better.

But then I turned it into a palette knife painting, and it looked really great, especially the clouds.  In the past I've just done a palette knife painting without much underpainting, but I think the underpainting greatly enhanced the painting.  It added a lot of depth and more interesting detail.  The underpainting also helped me work out the color scheme.

Monday, April 18, 2016

A couple of flowers

I just love these.  I did this version of flowers about 3 times, and my favorite was the first set.  That seems to be a trend.  If I try to repeat subject matter, the first time is the best.  But then again, the 2nd and 3rd attempts isn't that bad.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Black and white pears

These are awesome. I just sort of love these pears, and have done a couple more sets of them for fun.  They are just fun.  Bright red in the back, and then blues, grays, blacks and whites.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

16X20 SLC Temple

Someone gave me a bunch of free paint, so I decided to do a really fun large painting.  I just did a new color scheme with the temple.  I have been playing with putting bright colors behind the focus of the painting.

The final in a dark room.

This makes it look a little brighter than it really is.