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Saturday, January 20, 2018

More dresses

There is something so beautiful and satisfying in doing one of these little dress paintings.  I just adore them.   I love working in a series of similar subjects.  So I'll keep going on this until I'm ready to switch to a more boyish design.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Two New Flowers to add to the Series

Etsy Shop

I kinda like the red flowers better ("Red Dream.") My friend likes the white ones better ("White Blossoms.") Both are 5x7, available now.
Who doesn't love a painting with thick paint? It's so much fun to do too. It's a lot harder than I thought. It's hard not to mix up the colors in the wrong way. Like van Gough would have multiple colors really thick next to each other with wet paint without mixing the colors too much.

Here are two thick painted garden flowers that I just added to my Etsy shop for this week for my "Valentines Floral" series. There are 8 paintings currently available.

 "White Blossoms" Available here

"Red Dream" Available here

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Nursery Art: little girl dresses

Here's the beginning of a new series.  Oh, how I adore doing little watercolors of little girl dresses.