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Monday, May 22, 2017

Paintings from August, September, October, November, December, January and February

This isn't totally complete, but here are a lot of the paintings I completed August 2016-February 2017.  As I went through the months, I can see a few trips we went on, and different ways we were trying to get settled in our home.  We were so busy!  Plus Christmas, plus sending my parents off, and I was pregnant. I'm not nearly as busy right now, and I can tell with my art productivity.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Some Trees/Forests from Summer 2016

5X7 Set of Trees

2nd Set, 8X10
I did the same trees in a larger version.

Summer Projects 2016

April Paint Projects

I finally feel at a place where I can keep up two blogs again.  Here are some projects from April that I finished up, or at least prettied up.  I especially love that bottle!

I also did a version of the Colombus, Ohio temple for my parents.  I think that was the art highlight of the month.